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Chart type

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  • Prime
    New Member
    • Sep 2021
    • 7

    Chart type

    Is there a way to have a traditional line graph without the highs and lows each day? Just end results from each day? i really dont care about daily peaks and it would look so much cleaner

  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi Prime,

    The source data for the graph is in the Bets worksheet if you keep scrolling to the right. What you could do is create a new column that only equals the profit if the next row is the following day, otherwise the value would be equal to the cell above it. It would always be a day behind but it would eliminate the highs and lows for the day. You could then revise the graph to reference the new column instead of the old column.

    I should point out that once you get enough data, the highs and lows of each day become barely perceptible.

