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Rule 4 (Non-runner rule) in UK

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  • manicdolphin
    New Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 1

    Rule 4 (Non-runner rule) in UK

    Hi guys,

    New to the site, betting and this spreadsheet in general and impressed by spreadsheet but not so much the outcomes of my bets. (Who is?). I have an observation/question. Is there a way to add to the payout when a race has non-runners. I have input a bet and the return is less than the actual payout because there were non-runners as a result 10p was added to the payout. I can't readily see if there is any option to add these extra amounts without trying to absorb them in the stakes and odds.

    Maybe an example would clarify it:

    Each Way bet £0.40@ 5.00 = (0.40*5.00)+(0.40*1.25)=2.50. 2 Non-runners before specific time added £0.10 to return.

    Thanks for your help

    Last edited by manicdolphin; 27 June 2014, 11:22 PM. Reason: Added example
  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi David, welcome to the site!

    The current betting tracker unfortunately doesn't explicitly support odds adjustments for non-runners. Future versions will hopefully provide more support for race betting.

    As you've said, one option is to simply tweak the wager odds to generate the actual return. This is my preferred method because it doesn't tamper with the stake amount statistics.

    A second option is to input a new wager to account for the £0.10 difference. If you received an extra £0.10 on your payout you could input a new winning bet with a £0.10 stake at 2.00 odds (if you're using decimal). Conversely, if you have a reduced payout of, say £0.10, you could enter a losing bet with a £0.10 stake at some arbitrary odds. For these adjustment wagers you could enter the bet type and tipper (if you are using this field) that correspond to your original wager. Alternatively, you could create a new bet type and tipper called something like "Non-runner adjustment".

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have further questions.

