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Opening balances

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  • fivewood
    New Member
    • Dec 2014
    • 1

    Opening balances

    Have been using the tracker for a while now, has been a great asset and easy to use - thankyou!

    Am looking to start a new tracker for next year and want to add my existing bookmakers balances.
    The only way I can see to do this is via the deposits tab but this makes the performance summary wrong as it look as if I have deposited funds rather than them already being available.

    Is there a way to add existing balances without messing the stats?
  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi fivewood,

    Thanks, I'm glad you like the spreadsheet!

    When starting a new tracker you can enter your current bookmaker balances as deposits, although if you are starting with a net profit/loss what you can do instead is input your net deposits into the deposits sheet and then enter winning/losing bets to adjust each of your bookmaker balances to their current levels.

    For example, if you deposited $100 with Bookmaker A and the current balance is $140, you could input $100 as a deposit with Bookmaker A and then input a winning bet of $40.00 at 2.00 (decimal) odds. You could create bet type, tipper, etc. values like "Previous Records" or "Prior Results" to avoid distorting other categories.

    Alternatively, instead of inputting your net deposits with each bookmaker, you could paste in all of you deposits data from your previous spreadsheet. You could then input winning or losing bets for each bookmaker to reflect the current balance.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you have further questions.

