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Question about Recent Summary concluded Bets

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  • drazen1982
    New Member
    • Oct 2015
    • 2

    Question about Recent Summary concluded Bets

    Dear Admins,

    I discovered a few days ago the excel spreadsheet and it is amazing!! Great work from you guys!
    I would like to mention two things though.
    1) On the worksheet "Bets" the table on the upper right part it is not updated (Recent Summary - Concluded Bets). I mean the last row has the all time bets that I have placed, but the above rows of Today, Last 7 days, This month etc are empty.. How could I make this work? Is it possible that I have a setting on my excel and that is the reason why is not allowed to do the update?

    2) About cadhing out: More and more companies are offering this option. I read on another thread that I could log this either by putting the final odd or by using the laying column. Could somebody elaborate on the second option with an example? If it is not very tricky and time consuming.

    One more time, thanks a lot for this tool! It is really great!!
  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi drazen1982,

    Thanks, I'm glad you like the spreadsheet!

    To answer your questions:

    1) The fact that the "All Time" row is working but the others aren't suggests there's an issue with the date format you're using in column A. Have a look at the dates you're entering to make sure they work with the sheet. If you continue to experience issues send me a PM and I'll give you an email address to send your spreadsheet to.

    2) When you cash out I recommend you adjust the odds to reflect your actual payout (you could set the odds to something like =[actual payout]/[stake] if you're using the sheet in decimal odds mode). The lay bets column is more designed for betting exchanges such as Betfair. Hopefully a future version of the spreadsheet will offer explicit support for cash out features.

    Let me know if you have further questions.


    • drazen1982
      New Member
      • Oct 2015
      • 2

      No thanks! I found the error with your help!

