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Problems showing Performance Summary and Graph

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  • Miring
    New Member
    • Dec 2015
    • 6

    Problems showing Performance Summary and Graph

    First off, amazing work on the document. Is there anywhere I can donate or similar ?

    On to the problems:

    My "Performance Graph" is there, but it's showing years all the way to 1900, which makes the graph appear as just a straight line.. Seems like its pulling "data" from all the way to the start, while it should just be showing a year or two.

    Also my "Performance Summary" is totally non existent. - The data somehow doesnt get pulled at all. Just blank fields. It does fill in the Deposit and Performance high and low points though.. Don't know whats going on there, but help would be greatly appreciated.

    Im using your standard one:
  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi Miring,

    It seems there's a bet entry with a date of 1900 or a bet entry with an invalid date.

    In the Bets worksheet scroll to the right until you hit the "Used for Performance Graph" columns. The very top cell is set to equal the earliest date in the date column. It's likely this cell will have a value in the year 1900, in which case have a close look through the Dates in column A to make sure they all use the correct formatting.

    In the Performance Summary, make sure the filters on the left are all turned off. This may be tied into the date issue. Make sure the Date Filter is set to All Dates.

    Did you delete any rows from the Bets worksheet? This is often a source of problems that permeate in the Performance Summary. If you did the easiest option is to paste your data into a clean copy of the spreadsheet.

    Let me know if you continue to experience issues.

    Thank you for the offer regarding donating. I did have a link up for a while but no one ever donated! If you want to support the project you can simply visit the website's advertisers.


    • Miring
      New Member
      • Dec 2015
      • 6

      Ah great! Thanks a lot mate, I will click on all the adds

      Problem was that one of the entries in the dates was invalid even though the data was put in fine, and I had the other one on Tipsters only for some reason.

      Last thing, Is it possible to find the profits for one year anywhere? Like 2015 for instance? Except just erasing the dates for the other years of course.


      • admin
        • Aug 2011
        • 1076

        Cheers Miring

        You can set the filter dates in the Performance Summary to start: 1 Jan 2015, end: 31 Dec 2015. The totals row in the betting performance table will give you the total profit for that year.

        If you want to output the profit for a specific year, like 2015, you can use this formula in an empty cell somewhere:
        =SUMIFS(PROFIT,WIN,"<>P",WIN,"<>"&"",BET_DATE,">=" &DATE(2015,1,1),BET_DATE,"<="&DATE(2015,12,31))


        • Miring
          New Member
          • Dec 2015
          • 6

          It it that exact formula? Because when i copy:

          =SUMIFS(PROFIT,WIN,"<>P",WIN,"<>"&"",BET_DATE,">=" &DATE(2015,1,1),BET_DATE,"<="&DATE(2015,12,31))

          It says the formula has an error and highlights > PROFIT,WIN," <. Am i supposed to change bet date or something? No right? Seems its just compiling all the wins etc.


          • admin
            • Aug 2011
            • 1076

            Hi Miring,

            I've tested it again and that formula works on my own copy of v2.20. Are you using Microsoft Excel?

            If it doesn't work for you simply use the Performance Summary date filters.


            • Miring
              New Member
              • Dec 2015
              • 6

              Yeah, but I think maybe I got an old version.

              Two more questions and I will be out of your hair:

              My Summary says: Net profits: 7998,5 $, while the Year profit/loss in Betting data says 10376,38, any idea why? Does it calculate it differently?

              Also, I have gotten all the other boxes working, except Profit by My Variables and My Tipper (dont really use this one though). Any ideas?


              • admin
                • Aug 2011
                • 1076

                Providing the two sets of net profit calculations are for the same time frame, then variations are due to inconsistencies in data entry for the filters like sport, tipper, etc. For example if you misspell a tipper in the Bets worksheet then that bet won't show up in the performance summary when you filter by tipper. The result will be that the total profit will be thrown off in the performance summary. If you are using v2.20, try testing the various Main Filters in the Performance summary. If the totals in the betting performance table change when you change the filter then this is due to inconsistencies with some of the filter data entry in the Bets worksheet.

                Another possibility is that some working calculations in the background have been thrown off by row deletions in the Bets worksheet. This may also explain your second question. If you are struggling with the spreadsheet I recommend you paste your data into a fresh copy to see if that fixes the issues.


                • Miring
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2015
                  • 6

                  Yeah, I will have to try that, maybe the reason.

                  Every time i delete something in the sheet and copy it back it starts not answering and loading for a while. It seems like im using the 2010 version.. you think that may be why it's slow? I have about 2k lines of text, that shouldnt be that much should it?

                  Do you know it its possible to sort by both Sport and Bet type? Like for instance, sorting by NFL and Pointspread for instance, and see how the numbers look for that?


                  • admin
                    • Aug 2011
                    • 1076

                    The spreadsheet is very calculation intensive, which is why the later versions (especially the advanced versions) are slow to run. You can make the spreadsheet run faster by selecting File -> Options -> Formulas -> Workbook calculation: manual. This will make it update the calculations only when you save the file or press F9 on your keyboard.

                    Yes, you can run multiple filters in the Performance Summary. In the dropdown menus set sport/league to NFL and bet type to Point spread. Alternatively you can set the main filter to sport and then select point spread as a filter. This will display your point spread stats for every sport in the betting performance table.


                    • Miring
                      New Member
                      • Dec 2015
                      • 6

                      Sorry mate. I tried to input the data from the .xl version to the 2.20 version, as I kept getting errors in the other one. I unlocked it, put in the first bookmaker numbers etc, but I kept getting errors all over the place.

                      Is this due to the sheets being different? Or should I be able to just copy it over?.

                      Also, the numbers in the "settings" menu, is that supposed to be what I have in the different books now, or what I started with? Because that's obviously going to be different, and may cause problems?

                      Im getting scared to touch this, last time I did, it almost fucked with the old sheet, saved it in a weird way!


                      • admin
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 1076

                        Pasting data from one version to another should be straight forward. Start with the Settings sheet data, then the deposits sheet followed by the bets sheet. Numerous problems will occur if you don't copy over the settings data exactly.

                        When you paste data make sure to copy the data and then select Paste -> Values. Straight pasting may result in the new sheet trying to reference cells in the first sheet.

                        Also be sure not to paste the working columns from the bets worksheet (at risk, potential payout, etc.). Just copy over the cells with blue or black headers.

