The average bet size under the all bets, in the Performance summary sheet is incorrect. I believe it is wrong due to multis. I have listed each leg of a multi as 'M', and bars go across the bet line, so shouldnt be taken into account. Then i do a bet line where i said its a legged multi and list its bet size. I believe the spreedsheet is taking these 'M' leg lines as a bet of 0 and dividing by them when it shouldnt be? Any help?
Average bet size in All bets is wrong
Hi Jacoooooo, you are correct. This bug has been removed in the next version of the spreadsheet that is currently in development. This has been achieved by adding an additional WIN,"<>M" condition. The average bet size formula will resemble something like:
=IF(COUNTIFS(LAY,"<>Y",WIN,"<>"&"",WIN,"<>P",WIN," <>M")>0,SUMIFS(AMOUNT,LAY,"<>Y",WIN,"<>"&"",WIN,"< >P",WIN,"<>M")/COUNTIFS(LAY,"<>Y",WIN,"<>"&"",WIN,"<>P",WIN,"<>M" ),"")
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