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Issue with Performance Summary Filtering and Recent Summary Section

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  • JWH28
    New Member
    • Mar 2021
    • 3

    Issue with Performance Summary Filtering and Recent Summary Section


    Hi! First off I want to say how grateful I am for this excel sheet! It is the best thing in the world for me! I love being arable to track my bets in such great detail. So thank you for making it!

    Unfortunately I have 2 issues with the spreadsheet that I would like to see if I could get some help with.

    1. The main filter "Date Start" (cell B27) and "Date End" (cell B28) filter does not seem to work for me. I don't think I know how to use it either and as far as I know it is not mentioned in the "Intro" sheet.

    I try to enter the start date and end date into the respective cells and it does not filter the sheet to those dates I enter. So if I'm using it incorrectly please let me know. Thank you!

    2. In the "Bets" sheet, I have a minor issue with the "Recent Summary (Concluded Bets)" section. As I input my bets throughout the day and then subsequently mark them for "Y" or "N", the "Today" section of Recent Summary will properly show my Profit/Loss for the current day.

    The problem is that at some point in the day, the "Today" section just goes blank. I always am trying to keep track of if I am up or down for the day so it's frustrating to not be able to tell.

    Anyways, even with these issues the sheet has been a godsent for me and I absolutely love it! Just hoping someone may be able to help me with these minor issues.

    Also if you need any more screenshots I can post them for you

    Thank You for any help possible!

    Both of my issues have been resolved! I can now use the Main Filter to its full capacity!

    1: For Issue one, I transferred my data over to the correct version of Excel an now the Filter is working as intended.

    2: For Issue two, My software was using a different time-zone and I just changed it in the account settings.

    Thank you so much for your help Admin!! I really appreciate it!!
    Last edited by JWH28; 18 March 2021, 01:36 PM. Reason: Issues Solved
  • admin
    • Aug 2011
    • 1076

    Hi JWH28,

    Thank you! I'm pleased you like the spreadsheet. Based on your screenshot it appears the dropdown menus in the Performance Summary aren't displaying. You should see selection boxes to the right of the filter list. What version of Excel are you using to open the sheet? Other users have found that it doesn't fully work unless you're using Microsoft Excel 2013 or later. One workaround is to highlight the three columns of cells to the right of Date filter, etc. and change the text colour to something other than white. The date values should then be visible. You could then manually change the dates. For the Sports filter, etc., you can change the number 1 to a different value. 1 = all data, 2 = the first item in your list from the Settings sheet, 3 = the second item in your list from the Settings Sheet, etc.

    The second problem is a strange one. Perhaps your software is using a different time zone to your PC. If the software's time zone is earlier than your actual time zone then there would be a delay before it recognised your bets as occurring today because the dates in its view are referencing tomorrow. Alternatively its time zone is ahead of your actual time, in which case it will register some of your bets as occurring yesterday. One test you could do is unlock the Bets worksheet (password is sport) and add a new field for Yesterday. For At Risk -> Yesterday the formula would look something like the line below, depending on your spreadsheet version.
    =SUMIFS(AT_RISK,WIN,"<>P",WIN,"<>"&"",BET_DATE,">" &TODAY()-2,BET_DATE,"<="&TODAY()-1)

    Hope that helps! Let me know if you have further questions.


    • JWH28
      New Member
      • Mar 2021
      • 3

      Thank you so much for the help! I've looked into it and I think I am using the free Microsoft Office 365. I think I will purchase the classic version of excel and hope that will fix the problems. I just worry about transferring all of my data from my current version to the Excel I plan to buy. I'll let you know if I'm able to get it set up. Thanks again!


      • JWH28
        New Member
        • Mar 2021
        • 3

        Happy to report my main issue has been fixed thanks to you! I was using the free browser version of excel and decided to transfer my data to the regular version of excel. Now my Filter is working perfectly!

        At the moment I don't know if the second issue has been fixed but I will update when I find out!

        Thank you so much for the help! The filter is great!!


        • admin
          • Aug 2011
          • 1076

          You're most welcome. Glad I could help


          • Unhallowed318
            New Member
            • Feb 2022
            • 3

            Hi I am having a similar problem where my performance summary is stuck on 1900 and wont show past 1999 and all those cells after are blank. I am struggling to figure it out as I went through my betting data and none say 1990.



            • admin
              • Aug 2011
              • 1076

              Hi John,

              The sheet supports 100 years of data, so the date range you're being offered is based on the earliest date in the system, which is the anomalous value of 1900.

              What version of Excel are you using? The free browser version of Excel doesn't support all of the features of the spreadsheet.


              • Unhallowed318
                New Member
                • Feb 2022
                • 3

                Hi I am using Version 16.62. I guess also now it is no longer showing any dates. It also doesn't let me select any dates now. Wondering what to do.

                Last edited by Unhallowed318; 8 July 2022, 12:14 AM.


                • admin
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 1076

                  Are you running Excel on a Mac? I'm not sure, but that possibly could be the problem.

                  Did it used to work prior? If so, try pasting your data into a fresh copy of the spreadsheet. Sometimes people delete rows from the Bets worksheet which can throw off background calculations.

                  If you're still experiencing difficulties, drop me a line using the contact form (


                  • Unhallowed318
                    New Member
                    • Feb 2022
                    • 3

                    Hi Thanks,

                    Yes, I am running excel on a mac maybe that is the issue I will try to send you screenshots, and then I'll try a fresh copy of the spreadsheet. It was working great until about a couple days ago.


