Hi! First off I want to say how grateful I am for this excel sheet! It is the best thing in the world for me! I love being arable to track my bets in such great detail. So thank you for making it!
Unfortunately I have 2 issues with the spreadsheet that I would like to see if I could get some help with.
1. The main filter "Date Start" (cell B27) and "Date End" (cell B28) filter does not seem to work for me. I don't think I know how to use it either and as far as I know it is not mentioned in the "Intro" sheet.
I try to enter the start date and end date into the respective cells and it does not filter the sheet to those dates I enter. So if I'm using it incorrectly please let me know. Thank you!

2. In the "Bets" sheet, I have a minor issue with the "Recent Summary (Concluded Bets)" section. As I input my bets throughout the day and then subsequently mark them for "Y" or "N", the "Today" section of Recent Summary will properly show my Profit/Loss for the current day.
The problem is that at some point in the day, the "Today" section just goes blank. I always am trying to keep track of if I am up or down for the day so it's frustrating to not be able to tell.

Anyways, even with these issues the sheet has been a godsent for me and I absolutely love it! Just hoping someone may be able to help me with these minor issues.
Also if you need any more screenshots I can post them for you
Thank You for any help possible!
Both of my issues have been resolved! I can now use the Main Filter to its full capacity!
1: For Issue one, I transferred my data over to the correct version of Excel an now the Filter is working as intended.
2: For Issue two, My software was using a different time-zone and I just changed it in the account settings.
Thank you so much for your help Admin!! I really appreciate it!!
Hi! First off I want to say how grateful I am for this excel sheet! It is the best thing in the world for me! I love being arable to track my bets in such great detail. So thank you for making it!
Unfortunately I have 2 issues with the spreadsheet that I would like to see if I could get some help with.
1. The main filter "Date Start" (cell B27) and "Date End" (cell B28) filter does not seem to work for me. I don't think I know how to use it either and as far as I know it is not mentioned in the "Intro" sheet.
I try to enter the start date and end date into the respective cells and it does not filter the sheet to those dates I enter. So if I'm using it incorrectly please let me know. Thank you!

2. In the "Bets" sheet, I have a minor issue with the "Recent Summary (Concluded Bets)" section. As I input my bets throughout the day and then subsequently mark them for "Y" or "N", the "Today" section of Recent Summary will properly show my Profit/Loss for the current day.
The problem is that at some point in the day, the "Today" section just goes blank. I always am trying to keep track of if I am up or down for the day so it's frustrating to not be able to tell.

Anyways, even with these issues the sheet has been a godsent for me and I absolutely love it! Just hoping someone may be able to help me with these minor issues.
Also if you need any more screenshots I can post them for you
Thank You for any help possible!
Both of my issues have been resolved! I can now use the Main Filter to its full capacity!
1: For Issue one, I transferred my data over to the correct version of Excel an now the Filter is working as intended.
2: For Issue two, My software was using a different time-zone and I just changed it in the account settings.
Thank you so much for your help Admin!! I really appreciate it!!