Be careful people about putting any money into them, very slippery operators. After a very slick pitch and a bombardment of calls I decided to put some money in and bet with them only to find the "overs" and fair go I was promised was just talk. After losing 7 grand they have cut me.....Just had a massive argument with a manager there, funnily enough the same one promising me the world before my deposit. I will quote him here "THAT WAS THE CASE THEN BUT IT'S NOT NOW" in reference to being able to have a bet at a competitive price. He then says to me "YOU SHOULD HAVE GOT ON YESTERDAY, I WOULD HAVE BET YOU TO WIN 5000" he then offers me junk odds and said that's all he can do....absolute rubbish and I hold grave fears of being able to get my money back as I see my request has been denied. They are a complete joke...

